External accounting and auditing
How Does ESG Rating Disagreement Influence Analyst Forecast Dispersion?
Robin Spira, University of Bayreuth (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(3), 2024, 1769-1804
Keywords: analyst forecast; disagreement; ESG rating agencies; ESG score; intermediaries.
Bilanzierung von Spielerwerten im deutschen Profi-Fußball – Ein kritischer Vergleich der handelsrechtlichen und IFRS-Rechnungslegung
Enes Mert Sirakaya, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 505-531
Keywords: Fußballclub; Fußballspieler; Bundesliga; Ansatz; Bewertung.
Going-Concern-Opinion – A Critical Analysis of Determinants and Consequences
Niklas Behne, Universität Hamburg (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 8(1), 2023, 96-122
Keywords: Continuation of the company; Going-Concern-Opinion; Auditor’s report; Financial statement audit.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v8i1pp96-122
Promoting Transparency or Harming Shareholders? U.S. Market Reaction to the Regulation of Proxy Advisors
Julian Schneider, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 8(1), 2023, 148-162
Keywords: Proxy advisors; corporate governance; event study; information intermediaries.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v8i1pp148-162
Effects of Internal Auditing on the Quality of Financial Reporting – A Critical Analysis
Jette Fabian, University of Hamburg (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1242-1269
Keywords: Internal audit; Corporate governance; Financial reporting quality; Earnings quality.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1242-1269
Balancing player values in German professional football – A critical analysis of German GAAP
Malte Ludwigs, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(4), 2022, 1147-1163
Keywords: Accounting; Football; Player values; Player transfers.
Digital Financial Reporting – Consequences and Implications for the Use of the New Medium
Milan Schulze, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(4), 2022, 1001-1031
Keywords: Digitalization; Reporting; ESEF; XBRL.
From Wuhan into the Balance Sheet: Accounting for Provisions due to COVID-19 According to the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS
Lars Busch, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(2), 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Keywords: Corona; Covid-19; HGB; IFRS; Rückstellungen.
The Role of Large Institutional Ownership on Goodwill Impairment under the SFAS 142 Regime
Sebastian Hahn, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(2), 2021, 408-423
Keywords: Goodwill accounting; goodwill impairment; institutional ownership; ownership concentration; monitoring; FASB; SFAS 142.
Herausforderungen und Chancen bei der Bilanzierung von Kryptowährungen
Anke Zapf, University of Hamburg (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(2), 2020, 148-175
Keywords: Kryptowährung; Bilanzierung; IFRS; BitCoin; Blockchain.
Die Rotation des verantwortlichen Prüfungspartners als Instrument zur Steigerung der Prüfungsqualität
Lina Carine Puschmann, University of Hamburg (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 4(4), 2019, 553-565
Keywords: Interne Rotation; Audit Partner Rotation; Prüfungsqualität; Unabhängigkeit; Verantwortlicher Prüfungspartner.
R&D Accounting Discretion as an Income Smoothing Tool: An Empirical Analysis of German Listed Companies
Carina Brettschneider, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 4(2), 2019, 151-172
Keywords: R&D capitalization; income smoothing; earnings management; R&D accounting; development costs.
Der Einfluss von CEO Duality auf die Bewertung von Schweizer Unternehmen
Raphael Uster, University of Zurich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 2(2), 2017, 61-83
Keywords: CEO Duality, Corporate Governance, Chief Executive Officer, Personalunion, Unternehmensbewertung