Spitzeder, Schmider, Marsalek: What Role Does the Human Factor Play in Accounting Scandals?

Julian Friedrich Joswowitz, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1917-1933

The human factor is a significant influence that is difficult to quantify when analyzing accounting fraud cases. Despite several studies on accounting scandals, there has been a lack of systematic comparisons of different cases concerning the impact of personal behavior on their emergence, prevention, and processing. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which the human factor contributed to the success of the fraud schemes using the cases of Wirecard (2020), Flowtex (1999) and Dachauer Bank (1872). After reviewing the three cases based on literature, the key characters Jan Marsalek, Manfred Schmider, and Adele Spitzeder, are analyzed using the sociological model of the Fraud Diamond. This analysis finally derives approaches for dealing with fraud schemes. The study reveals that the human factor is not only relevant when considering the perpetrators in terms of motivation, justification, and their ability to commit fraud, but also when considering other parties involved. Furthermore, the human factor is the basis for a fraud case becoming a scandal.

Keywords: fraud diamond; fraud schemes; human factor; Wirecard.