Strategy and organization
Flipping the Switch – The Role of Activity Load in Temporal Acquisition Patterns of Acquiring Firms
Frédéric Herold, University of St.Gallen (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(1), 2024, 1140-1177
Keywords: activity load; M&A; momentum; switching behavior; temporal acquisition patterns.
Discussion of automotive trends and implications for German OEMs
Philip Christoph Häberle, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 8(4), 2023, 955-992
Keywords: Automotive trends; Autonomous driving; Electric vehicle; Shared mobility; German OEMs.
Transparency and organizational legitimacy: an experimental study based on a fictitious company
Max-Gerrit Meinel, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 8(4), 2023, 926-954
Keywords: Transparency; Organizational legitimacy; Airlines; Corporate governance; Experiment.
The hidden potential of boredom – How does the relative perception of boredom influence concentration and task performance?
Joshua W. Coen, University of Cologne (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 8(3), 2023, 617-633
Keywords: Boredom; Productivity; Work design; Concentration; Contrast effects.
Strategic Foresight Capability and its Impact on Firm Performance: A systematic, AI-based Literature Review
Stefan Gerhard Taferner, Universität St. Gallen (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(3), 2023, 658-681
Keywords: Strategic foresight; Firm performance; Foresight capabilities; Literature review; Organizing framework.
The glamorization of overwork – an empirical study of causes and perceptions of excessive work attitudes in the pursuit of managerial careers
Mira Sophia Ulz, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 358-403
Keywords: Workaholism; Overwork; Work engagement; Job Demands-Resources model.
Innovation Performance in Healthcare M&A: An Empirical Analysis
Philipp S.R. Voss, Technical University of Berlin (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(4), 2022, 1164-1192
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Innovation; Innovation Performance; Patents; Knowledge based view.
The Variety of CSR Disclosure and its Relationship with the Underlying Performance: A Textual Analysis
Niklas Winterberg, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(3), 2022, 569-603
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; sustainability; sustainability reporting; textual analysis; GRI.
The Mission Comes First: Exploring the Mechanisms of Organizational Sponsorship for the Acceleration of Social Start-Ups
Niklas Manhart, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(2), 2022, 289-337
Keywords: Business incubation; start- up accelerators; social entrepreneurship; social start-ups; organizational sponsorship.
The Impact of COVID-19 Policy Measures on European Companies – Empirical Evidence from Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway
Heiko Hoppe, Technical University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(2), 2021, 267-288
Keywords: COVID-19; government interventions; financial markets; stock returns; Northern Europe.
Does Meaning Make Teams Work?
Idil Bozay, Technical University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 7(1), 2022, 103-111
Keywords: Meaningful work; public goods game; cooperation; experimental economics.
The Exercise of Power in Strategy Meetings: A Comparison of Political Behavior in Online and Offline Meetings
Ventana Rebecca Pünchera, University of Zurich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(4), 2021, 852-890
Keywords: Meeting; power; politics; political behaviour; strategy theory; strategic work.
Environmental Context and Team Structure
Anna Stevanovic, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(2), 2021, 393-407
Keywords: Team structure; external environment; contingency theory; hierarchy; specialization.
Performance of German Family Firms During the Global Financial Crisis
Thilo Wenig, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(2), 2021, 237-278
Keywords: Family firm; ownership; governance; performance; crisis.
The Impact of Management, Family and Employee Ownership Concentration on Firm Performance
Michael Amroudi, Technische Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 81-99
Keywords: Ownership concentration; family ownership; management ownership; employee ownership; firm performance.
On the Analysis of Moral Hazard Using Experimental Studies
Maria Huber, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 410-428
Keywords: First-degree moral hazard; second-degree moral hazard; experiments; analysis.
Kultur als Determinante des Risikoverhaltens von Individuen – Empirische Evidenz von der PGA TOUR
Andreas Johannes Dambaur, University of Zurich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(3), 2020, 312-348
Keywords: Risk-taking; cultural background; sports economics; behavioral economics.
Giving in Unilaterally Risky Dictator Games: A Model of Allocation Decisions Under Existential Threat
Sarah Franziska Kovatsch, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(1), 2020, 35-49
Keywords: dictator games; risky decisions; mortality salience; generosity; existential threat.
Implementation of Strategic Change by Franchisees: A Sensemaking Perspective
Theresa Langenmayr, University of Zurich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 4(2), 2019, 173-194
Keywords: sensemaking; inter-organizational change; franchising.
Living is Easy with Eyes closed – Strategische Unwissenheit und eigennütziges Verhalten
Christiane Czech, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 4(1), 2019, 101-122
Keywords: strategic ignorance, moral wiggle room, dictator games, self-serving behavior.
Economic- and Non-Economic Goals of Family Firms
Markus Probst, Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 3(4), 2018, 30-47
Keywords: Family firms, economic goals, non-economic goals, socioemotional wealth
Zur experimentellen Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Feedback, Selbstwirksamkeit und Kreativität
Lea Katharina Haffke, University of Freiburg (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 3(3), 2018, 38-54
Keywords: Kreativität, Feedback, Selbstwirksamkeit
When Family Businesses Sell
Christopher Khoury, Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 3(2), 2018, 151-169
Keywords: Family Business, Mergers and Acquisitions, Management Buy-out/in, Succession, Sales Process
Der Einfluss der Unternehmenskultur auf die Auswahl von M&A-Targets
Maximilian Metz, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 3(1), 2018, 160-179
Keywords: Unternehmenskultur, M&A, Target, Risiko, Kulturunterschied
Revenue Sharing in European Football: An Assessment of the Bundesliga’s New Four-Pillar Model
Niklas T. Bretschneider, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 3(1), 2018, 16-37
Keywords: TV Revenue Sharing, Four-Pillar Model, Bundesliga, Football, Soccer, DFL
Corporate Divestment Decision Factors: A Systematic Review
Anastasia Kieliszek, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 2(3), 2017, 104-123
Keywords: Corporate Divestment, Decision Factors, Psychological Factors, Organizational Factors, External Factors
Biases bei betriebswirtschaftlichen Entscheidungen in Großprojekten und Lösungsansätze: Aktueller Stand der Theorie und Empirie
Marcus Pfeiffer, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 2(3), 2017, 48-72
Keywords: mega project, project management, bias, debiasing, Projektmanagement im Großprojekt
Kognitive Verzerrungen im strategischen Entscheidungsprozess
Lucas Mantke, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 2(1), 2017, 117-135
Keywords: Strategisches Entscheidungsverhalten, Kognitive Verzerrung, Kognitiver Bias, Behavioral Strategy, Strategisches Management
Einfluss der Gestaltung von Büroräumlichkeiten auf die Arbeitsplatzzufriedenheit von Führungskräften – Eine Untersuchung anhand eines Schweizer Dienstleistungsunternehmens
Rico Rozzi, Universität Zürich (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 2(1), 2017, 49-80
Keywords: Arbeitszufriedenheit, Arbeitsplatzgestaltung, Bürogestaltung, Führungskräfte, Arbeitsräume
CEO Communication during Strategic Change: A Regulatory Focus Perspective
Patrick Knust, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 2(1), 2017, 1-16
Keywords: CEO Communication, Strategic Change, Regulatory Focus Theory, Promotion Focus, Prevention Focus
Do Elite Students Good? The Impact of Social Background on CSR Perception – an Empirical Analysis
Annika Kreil, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(2), 2016, 61-83
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Stakeholder theory, Bourdieu’s Social Reproduction Theory, Habitus, Leadership
Learning from Business Failure – Does Restarting Affect the Business Model Design?
Alice Katharina Bauer, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(2), 2016, 32-60
Keywords: Business Failure, Learning, Restart Entrepreneurship, Business Model
Effektive Prävention ethisch-moralisch bedingter Unternehmenskrisen – Eine fallbasierte Untersuchung in Deutschland und den USA
Sonja A.-M. Hammel, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(1), 2016, 216-274
Keywords: Prävention von Unternehmenskrisen, Krisenmanagement, Organisationale Pfadabhängigkeit, Qualitative Untersuchung (USA/ Deutschland)
Inkommensurabilität – Implikationen für die evolutionäre Organisationstheorie unter begriffstheoretischer und epistemologischer Perspektive
Nicolas Wüthrich, University of Zurich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(1), 2016, 188-215
Keywords: Theoriepluralismus, Inkommensurabilität, Thomas S. Kuhn, Evolutionäre Organisationstheorie
Practical Implications of the Ambidexterity Concepts
Nina Gusenleitner, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Diploma thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(1), 2016, 138-187
Keywords: Ambidexterity, Practical implications, Exploitation, Rigor-relevance gap
Relative Performance Information and Financial Incentives in Multidimensional Task Settings – A Conceptual and Experimental Analysis of Effects on Performance and Attention towards Task Dimensions
Nadine Eichhorn, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(1), 2016, 100-137
Keywords: Relative performance information, Incentive schemes, Multidimensional tasks, Social comparison theory, Competition, Feedback
Rückzug auf Raten – Management strategischen Wandels: Eine retrospektive Längsschnittstudie am Beispiel der ChemCo.
Friederike E. Rhein, Hamburg University of Technology (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 1(1), 2016, 60-99
Keywords: Strategischer Wandel, Rückzugsstrategien, Corporate Restructuring, Organisationale Trägheit, Pfadabhängigkeit