Junior Management Science, Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025

- Julian Anton Meyer, Success Factors and Development Areas for the Implementation of Generative AI in Companies, 1-23
- Vincent Alberth-Jan Cremer, Diversity Within Top Management Teams: The Effects of Diversity Within Boards Towards Managerial Attention on Digital Transformation, 24-43
- Veronika Timoschenko, Good as Gold or Merely Glitter? Elite Board Members’ Impact on Firm Performance, 44-69
- Cornelia Kees, Looking Behind the Fading Feminist Façade of #Girlboss, 70-94
- Eliza Alena Marie Weitzel, Copreneurial Couples in Startups: A Comprehensive Analysis of Copreneurial Couples in Startups Compared to Classical Businesses, 95-134
- Antonia Cichocki, Employment with Autism: What Are Educational and Adaptive Needs of Employers in Austria from the Perspective of Women with Low-Symptom Autism?, 135-175
- Paula Bao Quiero, “Well, Now They Know”: How Mental Illness Identity Management Strategies Influence Leaders’ Responses, 176-200
- Alexander Grommes, Impact of Audit Assurance on the Quality of Sustainability Reporting, 201-235
- Philipp Rittgen, Understanding the Effect of Hedge Fund Activism on the Target Firm – A Qualitative Study on Shareholder Value, 236-266
- Gabriel Benedikt Thomas Adams, Energy-Aware Production Planning with Renewable Energy Generation Considering Combined Battery- and Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage Systems, 267-291
Success Factors and Development Areas for the Implementation of Generative AI in Companies
Julian Anton Meyer, Technical University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 1-23
Keywords: ChatGPT Enterprise; Generative AI; GenAI; GenAI adoption; GenAI framework.
Diversity Within Top Management Teams: The Effects of Diversity Within Boards Towards Managerial Attention on Digital Transformation
Vincent Alberth-Jan Cremer, University of Groningen (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 24-43
Keywords: Blue’s Index; digital transformation; diversity; top management teams; Upper Echelon Theory.
Good as Gold or Merely Glitter? Elite Board Members’ Impact on Firm Performance
Veronika Timoschenko, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 44-69
Keywords: corporate governance; elite board members; firm performance; social capital; supervisory board.
Looking Behind the Fading Feminist Façade of #Girlboss
Cornelia Kees, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 70-94
Keywords: entrepreneurial femininity; ethical behaviour; female entrepreneurship; media portrayal; sentiment analysis.
Copreneurial Couples in Startups: A Comprehensive Analysis of Copreneurial Couples in Startups Compared to Classical Businesses
Eliza Alena Marie Weitzel, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 95-134
Keywords: copreneurial couples; copreneurship; couple business; startups; team dynamics.
Employment with Autism: What Are Educational and Adaptive Needs of Employers in Austria from the Perspective of Women with Low-Symptom Autism?
Antonia Cichocki, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 135-175
Keywords: autism; diversity management; inclusion; labor market.
“Well, Now They Know”: How Mental Illness Identity Management Strategies Influence Leaders’ Responses
Paula Bao Quiero, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 176-200
Keywords: disclosure; diversity; identity management; mental illness; stigma.
Impact of Audit Assurance on the Quality of Sustainability Reporting
Alexander Grommes, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 201-235
Keywords: audit assurance; CSRD; natural language processing; sustainability reporting; textual analysis.
Understanding the Effect of Hedge Fund Activism on the Target Firm – A Qualitative Study on Shareholder Value
Philipp Rittgen, EBS Business School (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 236-266
Keywords: hedge fund activism; shareholder theory.
Energy-Aware Production Planning with Renewable Energy Generation Considering Combined Battery- and Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage Systems
Gabriel Benedikt Thomas Adams, Technical University of Berlin (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 10(1), 2025, 267-291
Keywords: energy-aware production planning; energy storage systems; hydrogen; mixed-integer linear programming; renewable energy generation.