Junior Management Science, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2020

- Maria Huber, On the Analysis of Moral Hazard Using Experimental Studies, 410-428
- Oriana Wendenburg, The Effect of Gratitude on Individuals’ Effort – A Field Experiment, 429-451
- Magdalena Melonek, To Be Is to Do: Exploring How Founder Social and Role Identities Shape Strategic Decisions in New Venture Creation Process, 452-476
- Markus Sebastian Gebhart, Die Quellenbesteuerung bei digitalen Transaktionen – Status quo und mögliche Handlungsalternativen, 477-511
- Nelli Ukhova, Leaders’ Resilience in the International Context, 512-531
- Ubald Bauer, Economics of Hydrogen: Scenario-based Evaluation of the Power-to-Gas Technology, 532-561
On the Analysis of Moral Hazard Using Experimental Studies
Maria Huber, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 410-428
Keywords: First-degree moral hazard; second-degree moral hazard; experiments; analysis.
The Effect of Gratitude on Individuals’ Effort – A Field Experiment
Oriana Wendenburg, University of Cologne (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 429-451
Keywords: Gratitude; non-pecuniary gifts; gift giving; reciprocity; personnel economics.
To Be Is to Do: Exploring How Founder Social and Role Identities Shape Strategic Decisions in New Venture Creation Process
Magdalena Melonek, Technische Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 452-476
Keywords: Sustainable entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial decision making; founder identity; social identity theory; identity theory.
Withholding Tax on Digital Transactions – Status Quo and Potential Alternative Courses of Action
Markus Sebastian Gebhart, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 477-511
Keywords: Digitale Werbeleistungen; Quellenbesteuerung; Rechteüberlassung; Digitalsteuer; signifikante digitale Präsenz.
Economics of Hydrogen: Scenario-based Evaluation of the Power-to-Gas Technology
Ubald Bauer, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 5(4), 2020, 532-561
Keywords: Hydrogen economics; power-to-gas; renewable energy; capacity optimization.