Junior Management Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2021

- Olivia Hohlwegler, The Value of CSR in Times of Increased Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from the Brexit Referendum, 1-24
- Maximilian Kühn, Are Firms Paying for the Minimum Wage? Evidence from Germany, 25-38
- Julia Vetter, The Glass Cliff – Women’s Thrive to Save Poor Performance and how to Approach it in the Workplace, 39-59
- Kim Klebolte, Employment Protection Legislation, Youth Unemployment and the Role of the Educational System, 60-80
- Michael Amroudi, The Impact of Management, Family and Employee Ownership Concentration on Firm Performance, 81-99
- Daniel Dyck, The Impact of Taxation on Managerial Incentives and the Use of Bonus Banks, 100-148
- Philipp Schiele, Modern Approaches to Dynamic Portfolio Optimization, 149-189
- Christina Winder, Analysis of Global Tax Standards of the OECD on Digital Business Models, 190-236
The Value of CSR in Times of Increased Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from the Brexit Referendum
Olivia Hohlwegler, University of St Andrews (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 1-24
Keywords: Brexit referendum; CSR; ESG investing; policy uncertainty.
Are Firms Paying for the Minimum Wage? Evidence from Germany
Maximilian Kühn, University of Mannheim (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 25-38
Keywords: Minimum wage; Germany; difference-in-difference; adjustment channels; profitability; firm-level performance.
The Glass Cliff – Women’s Thrive to Save Poor Performance and how to Approach it in the Workplace
Julia Vetter, ESCP Europe (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 39-59
Keywords: Glass cliff; women in leadership; discrimination; equality; management.
Employment Protection Legislation, Youth Unemployment and the Role of the Educational System
Kimberly Klebolte, University of Oxford (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 60-80
Keywords: Labour market; EPL; unemployment; youth; education.
The Impact of Management, Family and Employee Ownership Concentration on Firm Performance
Michael Amroudi, Technische Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 81-99
Keywords: Ownership concentration; family ownership; management ownership; employee ownership; firm performance.
The Impact of Taxation on Managerial Incentives and the Use of Bonus Banks
Daniel Dyck, Bielefeld University (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 100-148
Keywords: Prinzipal-Agenten Theorie, Steuereffekte, Bonusbank, mehrperiodige Vertragsstruktur.
Modern Approaches to Dynamic Portfolio Optimization
Philipp Schiele, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 149-189
Keywords: Portfolio optimization; machine learning; multilayer perceptron; convolutional neural network; long short-term memory.
Analysis of Global Tax Standards of the OECD on Digital Business Models
Christina Winder, University of Liechtenstein (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 6(1), 2021, 190-236
Keywords: Digitale Geschäftsmodelle; internationale Unternehmensbesteuerung; Unified Approach; globale Steuerstandards.