Junior Management Science, Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2023

- Markus Pfützenreuter, The implementation of financial planning and cost accounting instruments in startups, 270-311
- Marissa Ofir, The Effect of Entrepreneurs’ Gender and Gendered Startup Fields on Organizational Attraction for Potential Applicants, 312-332
- Simon Mueller, Innovation Performance of Family and Founder Firms: Empirical Evidence from German Listed Companies, 333-357
- Mira Sophia Ulz, The glamorization of overwork – an empirical study of causes and perceptions of excessive work attitudes in the pursuit of managerial careers, 358-403
- Samuel Jonas Kaltenhauser, Determinants and Capital Market Consequences of Net Zero Targets, 404-430
- Elena Kowalik, Ethical Problems in Family Firms, 431-452
- Arun Anandakrishnarajah, Visual Appeal of Product Novelty: The Role of the Brand in Design Adaptation, 453-472
- Tobias Ruf, Passive ownership and long-term orientation around the world, 473-504
- Enes Mert Sirakaya, Accounting for Player Values in German Professional Soccer – A Critical Comparison of German Commercial Law and IFRS Accounting, 505-531
- Radu-Andrei Maldea, Winning when Going Global – On the Role of Heritage and Strategic Moves for Internationalization Endeavors of Start-ups, 532-568
The implementation of financial planning and cost accounting instruments in startups
Markus Pfützenreuter, Technische Universität Berlin (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 270-311
Keywords: Startups; Financial planning; Cost accounting; Management control systems.
The Effect of Entrepreneurs’ Gender and Gendered Startup Fields on Organizational Attraction for Potential Applicants
Marissa Ofir, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 312-332
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Gender stereotypes; Applicant recruitment; Organizational attraction.
Innovation Performance of Family and Founder Firms: Empirical Evidence from German Listed Companies
Simon Mueller, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 333-357
Keywords: Lone founder firms; Family firms; Innovation performance; R&D intensity; R&D productivity.
The glamorization of overwork – an empirical study of causes and perceptions of excessive work attitudes in the pursuit of managerial careers
Mira Sophia Ulz, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 358-403
Keywords: Workaholism; Overwork; Work engagement; Job Demands-Resources model.
Determinants and Capital Market Consequences of Net Zero Targets
Samuel Jonas Kaltenhauser, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 404-430
Keywords: Net zero; Carbon neutral; Climate target; Determinants; Capital market consequences.
Ethical Problems in Family Firms
Elena Kowalik, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 431-452
Keywords: Family firms; Business ethics; Socioemotional wealth.
Visuelle Wirkung von Produktneuheiten: Die Rolle der Marke bei der Designanpassung
Arun Anandakrishnarajah, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 453-472
Keywords: Verarbeitungsflüssigkeit; Produktdesign; Markenbildung; Ästhetik; Kategorisierungstheorie.
Passive ownership and long-term orientation around the world
Tobias Ruf, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 473-504
Keywords: Passive investors; Index funds; Long-term orientation; Innovation; Instrumental variables estimation.
Bilanzierung von Spielerwerten im deutschen Profi-Fußball – Ein kritischer Vergleich der handelsrechtlichen und IFRS-Rechnungslegung
Enes Mert Sirakaya, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 505-531
Keywords: Fußballclub; Fußballspieler; Bundesliga; Ansatz; Bewertung.
Winning when Going Global – On the Role of Heritage and Strategic Moves for Internationalization Endeavors of Start-ups
Radu-Andrei Maldea, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 8(2), 2023, 532-568
Keywords: International new ventures; Early internationalizing start-ups; Internationalization strategy; Market entry; Global management.