Junior Management Science, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2024

- Aline Isabelle Lanzrath, The Daughter Effect: Does Raising Daughters Influence Fathers’ Gender-Related Attitudes in the Workplace?, 1859-1900
- Sara Luisa Nussbaum, Women in Leadership Positions and Firm Innovation: Are There Differences Between Countries?, 1901-1916
- Julian Friedrich Joswowitz, Spitzeder, Schmider, Marsalek: What Role Does the Human Factor Play in Accounting Scandals?, 1917-1933
- Nicolas von Bodman, The Impact of Prospectus Language on IPO Underpricing: A Textual Analysis of European IPOs, 1934-1963
- Juan Diego Martinez, Impact of the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on the German Industry, 1964-1993
- Mareike Polle, Reusable Packaging Systems for Restaurants and Delivery Services: A Study of Consumer Preferences and Adoption Barriers to Promote Public Acceptance in Germany, 1994-2023
- Niklas Thomas Starz, Road to a Bioeconomy in the European Union: Mapping Drivers of Precision Fermentation Adoption, 2024-2049
- Elisa Schulte genannt Kulkmann, In the Eye of the Beholder: Examining the Role of Dynamic Capabilities, Industry Dynamics, and Internal Knowledge Sharing in Strategists’ Entry Decisions, 2050-2081
- Saskia Hahn, Development of a Process Model for Mission-Driven Corporate Rebranding, 2082-2117
- Jakob Phillip Klar, A Cost-Effective Future for Electricity Storage – An Examination of LCOS Studies on Stationary Applications, 2118-2139
The Daughter Effect: Does Raising Daughters Influence Fathers‘ Gender-Related Attitudes in the Workplace?
Aline Isabelle Lanzrath, University of Mannheim (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1859-1900
Keywords: daughter effect; diversity; gender stereotypes; perspective-taking.
Women in Leadership Positions and Firm Innovation: Are There Differences Between Countries?
Sara Luisa Nussbaum, University of Augsburg (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1901-1916
Keywords: corporate boards; female representation; firm innovation; gender diversity; strategic leadership.
Spitzeder, Schmider, Marsalek: What Role Does the Human Factor Play in Accounting Scandals?
Julian Friedrich Joswowitz, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1917-1933
Keywords: fraud diamond; fraud schemes; human factor; Wirecard.
The Impact of Prospectus Language on IPO Underpricing: A Textual Analysis of European IPOs
Nicolas von Bodman, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1934-1963
Keywords: IPO; NLP; prospectus language; textual analysis; underpricing.
Impact of the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on the German Industry
Juan Diego Martinez, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1964-1993
Keywords: CBAM; carbon pricing; corporate ESG; decarbonization; European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
Reusable Packaging Systems for Restaurants and Delivery Services: A Study of Consumer Preferences and Adoption Barriers to Promote Public Acceptance in Germany
Mareike Polle, Kühne Logistics University – The KLU (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 1994-2023
Keywords: circular economy; consumer acceptance; gastronomic industry; reusable packaging system (RPS); sustainability.
Road to a Bioeconomy in the European Union: Mapping Drivers of Precision Fermentation Adoption
Niklas Thomas Starz, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 2024-20249
Keywords: biomanufacturing; EU bioeconomy strategy; multi-level perspective; precision fermentation.
In the Eye of the Beholder: Examining the Role of Dynamic Capabilities, Industry Dynamics, and Internal Knowledge Sharing in Strategists‘ Entry Decisions
Elisa Schulte genannt Kulkmann, Technical University of Munich (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 2050-2081
Keywords: absorptive capacity; dynamic capabilities; entry assessment; new product development; strategic entry.
Development of a Process Model for Mission-Driven Corporate Rebranding
Saskia Hahn, Hamburg University of Music and Drama (Master thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 2082-2117
Keywords: corporate rebranding; mission-driven organization; model; nonprofit organization; social entrepreneurship.
A Cost-Effective Future for Electricity Storage – An Examination of LCOS Studies on Stationary Applications
Jakob Phillip Klar, Technical University of Munich (Bachelor thesis)
Junior Management Science 9(4), 2024, 2118-2139
Keywords: cost-effectiveness; energy storage; energy transition; levelized cost of storage (LCOS); storage technologies.