Junior Management Science, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2021

- Max Lindner, Sustainable Food Consumption of German Millennials: Exploring the “Attitude Behavior Gap”, 424-467
- Nele Braun, The Role of the European Central Bank in a Sustainable Financial System, 468-488
- Elif Gürlek, Corporate Taxation in the U.S. and Canada – A Comparative Analysis, 489-506
- Markus Probst, Ohne Moos nichts los? Eine Discrete-Choice-Analyse der Präferenzen von Medizinstudenten für die Arbeit auf dem Land, 507-546
- Tim Leonard Hermes, The Impact of Community Involvement on Game Life-Cycle: Evidence based on Gaming Platform Steam, 547-567
- Leonie Rinke, Grenzüberschreitende ertragsteuerliche Organschaft, 568-589
- Konstantin Spring, Backtesting the Expected Shortfall, 590-636
- Victoria Roth, Talking is Silver, Doing is Gold? – The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Financial Performance, 637-672
Sustainable Food Consumption of German Millennials: Exploring the “Attitude Behavior Gap”
Max Lindner, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 424-467
Keywords: Sustainable consumption; attitude behavior gap; consumer behavior; food consumption Verbal Protocol Analysis; Theory of Planned Behavior.
The Role of the European Central Bank in a Sustainable Financial System
Nele Braun, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 468-488
Keywords: Sustainable finance; green finance; central banking; sustainability.
Corporate Taxation in the U.S. and Canada – A Comparative Analysis
Elif Gürlek, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 489-506
Keywords: Corporate taxation; United States; Canada; tax attractiveness; Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Ohne Moos nichts los? Eine Discrete-Choice-Analyse der Präferenzen von Medizinstudenten für die Arbeit auf dem Land
Markus Probst, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 507-546
Keywords: Landärztemangel; Discrete-Choice-Experiment; Medizinstudenten in Deutschland.
The Impact of Community Involvement on Game Life-Cycle: Evidence based on Gaming Platform Steam
Tim Leonard Hermes, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 547-567
Keywords: Product life-cycle; digital goods pricing; user communities; co-creation; digital gaming platforms.
Grenzüberschreitende ertragsteuerliche Organschaft
Leonie Rinke, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 568-589
Keywords: Organschaft; § 14 KStG; internationale Gruppenbesteuerung; Niederlassungsfreiheit.
Backtesting the Expected Shortfall
Konstantin Spring, Universität Konstanz (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 590-636
Keywords: Expected shortfall; backtesting; risk measures; statistical test.
Talking is Silver, Doing is Gold? – The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Financial Performance
Victoria Roth, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 6(3), 2021, 637-672
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; corporate financial performance; CSR commitment; CSR communication; stakeholder theory.