Junior Management Science, Volume 7, Issue 5, December 2022

Convincing investors: A study of personal, adapted storytelling and strategic behavior in entrepreneurial fundraising

Pauline Tilla Rittstieg, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1193-1223

This inductive study explores the process, through which legitimacy is established for financial resource acquisition, by analyzing the accounts of 15 entrepreneurs on their storytelling and fundraising strategies. The findings show that consistent personal storytelling, venture story adaptation, and strategic behavior increase a venture’s chances of receiving financial investments. Taking an entrepreneur-centric perspective in analyzing the practical implementation of cultural entrepreneurship theory, the findings have strong theoretical implications. They suggest extending the model of cultural entrepreneurship to include entrepreneurs’ behavior throughout the resource acquisition process. They further contradict the theory that a venture’s legitimacy only depends on its existing resources, suggesting that it is also based on the venture’s founder’s storytelling skills and behavior. As for practical implications, the findings show that investment decisions are not purely fact-based but influenced by investors’ emotional involvement and the hype around the venture among investors, which are both a consequence of skillful storytelling and strategic behavior. The study illustrates several effective storytelling and fundraising strategies, providing practical examples for each.

Keywords: Venture legitimacy; Fundraising; Fundraising strategy; Storytelling; Cultural entrepreneurship.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1193-1223

Big Data Analytics Capabilities: A Systematic Literature Review on Necessary Skills to Succeed in Big Data Analytics

Marc A. Richly, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1224-1241

While the amount of data keeps growing, managers ask themselves whether they already retrieve full value from their data. To maximize the value of big data, literature offers first insights in building BDA capabilities (Gupta and George 2016, p; Mikalef et al. 2018). Nevertheless, BDA remains a new field to researchers and companies. BDA frameworks, still offered scarcely, discuss roughly the same dimensions (incorporating some technical, human, and cultural aspects), but are only superficially discussed. This thesis builds a framework of the different approaches offered in literature. Furthermore, it is important to distinguish whether a new development as BDA can be seen as a trend topic or rather a long-lasting game changer for businesses. Here, this thesis discusses differences among digital capabilities, IT capabilities, that research stared addressing by 1990, and BDA capabilities. A major finding is that building IT capabilities is considered as an isolated responsibility of IT departments by, i.e., offering IT infrastructure to the whole company. BDA capabilities, on the contrary, cannot be planned and rolled out from one specific department – those need to be developed in every organizational unit; therefore, a data-driven culture is a key element in building BDA capabilities.

Keywords: Big data analytics; Big data; Data analytics; Dynamic capabilities; Resource-based view.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1224-1241

Auswirkungen der internen Revision auf die Qualität der Rechnungslegung – Eine kritische Analyse

Jette Fabian, Universität Hamburg (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1242-1269

Um die sowohl von Bilanzskandalen als auch der Finanzkrise aufgedeckten Schwächen in der Corporate Governance rechtzeitig unternehmensintern aufzudecken, soll als eine mögliche Lösung die Interne Revision als prozessunabhängige Prüfungsinstitution die im Rahmen der Governance und des Risikomanagements getroffenen Maßnahmen hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit laufend überwachen und verbessern. Nebst der Darstellung definitorischer Grundlagen und des normativen sowie konzeptionellen Rahmens wird in dieser Arbeit kritisch analysiert, ob und inwiefern die Interne Revision Auswirkungen auf die Qualität der Rechnungslegung hat und wie diese ausgestaltet sein sollte, um ihrem Auftrag gegenüber der jeweiligen Unternehmensführung optimal gerecht zu werden. Im Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass eine qualitativ hochwertige Interne Revision, als einer von vier Grundpfeilern der Corporate Governance, einen wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor zur Reduktion von Bilanzpolitik, zur Aufdeckung von Bilanzmanipulationen und somit zur Vermeidung von Bilanzskandalen darstellen kann. Entscheidend für die positive Einflussnahme auf die Rechnungslegung ist die Berücksichtigung der wesentlichen Treiber der Qualität der Internen Revision sowie die Orientierung der Prüfungshandlungen an vorgegebenen Rahmenwerken.

Keywords: Interne Revision; Corporate Governance; Rechnungslegungsqualität; Bilanzpolitik.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1242-1269

Understanding the Impact of Future Social Self-Concepts on Newcomer Adjustment

Jonas Franz Buerkner, Technische Universität München (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1270-1288

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of future social self-concepts on newcomer short-term adjustment. Employing a qualitative longitudinal design based on interviews, this work aims to uncover how the shape of identities before and three weeks after entry, as well as the identity processes between them, impact adjustment success. This is important because adjustment is a precursor for job outcomes, such as performance, satisfaction, and intentions to remain. In the first part, the relevance of identities for job outcomes is carved out and major theoretical contributions to identity and socialization are identified and presented. The thesis then discusses a fitting methodology for studying identity and describes key methodological choices. Three newcomers participated in the narrative-based interviews. The first interview was conducted shortly before the second interview three weeks after organizational entry. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded employing an abductive coding procedure. The results support the view that identity plays a key role in newcomer socialization and illustrate currently discussed identity processes. The complexity of self-concept phenomena involved in newcomer socialization calls for further research efforts.

Keywords: Newcomer socialization; Newcomer adjustment; Self-concept; Possible selves; Identity partnership.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1270-1288

How Can Fairness Tools Impact the Understanding of Fairness and the Processes Within a Machine Learning Development Team?

Cosima Friedle, London School of Economics and Political Science (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1289-1300

Over the last years, a wide spread of Machine Learning in increasingly more, especially sensitive areas like criminal justice or healthcare has been observed. Popular cases of algorithmic bias illustrate the potential of Machine Learning to reproduce and reinforce biases present in the analogous world and thus lead to discrimination. The realisation of this potential has led to the creation of the research stream on fair, accountable and transparent Machine Learning. One aspect of this research field is the development of fairness tools, algorithmic toolkits that aim to assist developers of Machine Learning in identifying and eliminating bias in their models and thus ensuring fairness. The literature review on fairness tools has revealed a research gap in the impact of these on the understanding of fairness and the processes within a development team. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate the impact that fairness tools can have on the notion of fairness and the processes in a development team. Therefore, a case study with a development team of a large, globally operating corporation has been conducted. Applying Kallinikos´ theory of technology as a regulative regime and Oudshoorn and Pinch´s idea of the co-construction of users and technologies on the empirical findings revealed two important conclusions. Firstly, it shows that fairness tools act as regulative regimes by shaping the understanding of fairness and the processes within a development team. Secondly, this character of fairness tools as regulative regimes needs to be understood as part of the coconstruction process between the technology and the developer.

Keywords: Machine learning; Fairness; Fairness tools; Regulative regime of technology; Co-construction of user and technology.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1289-1300

Eine datenschutzrechtliche Betrachtung der neuen elektronischen Patientenakten in Deutschland nach Einführung der DSGVO

Samuel Hammer, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1301-1325

Einer langwierigen Diskussion um die Digitalisierung und Modernisierung des deutschen Gesundheitssystems folgt 2021 die Verpflichtung der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen zur Einführung der elektronischen Patientenakte (ePA). Diese Regelung stößt bei Deutschlands oberster Datenschutzbehörde (BfDI) auf Widerstand. Anhand einschlägiger Kommentarliteratur und unter Berücksichtigung der durch die Interessenvertreter vorgebrachten Argumente untersucht diese Arbeit, ob die Kritik der Behörde begründet ist und ob ein Verstoß gegen die DSGVO mit der Einführung der ePA vorliegen könnte. Im Ergebnis lässt sich ein solcher Verstoß nicht feststellen. Insbesondere liegen die grundsätzlichen Anforderungen an die Wirksamkeit einer Einwilligung in die Datenverarbeitung vor. Die Einführung der ePA erfolgt in zwei Ausbaustufen, wobei die zweite Stufe datenschutzrechtlich relevante Verbesserungen beinhaltet. Daher gilt das Ergebnis der Arbeit „a maiore ad minus“ auch für die 2022 geplante zweite Ausbaustufe. Offen bleibt, ob die Datenschutzbehörde (BfDI) weitere rechtliche Maßnahmen ergreifen wird. Die Untersuchung berührt weitere Forschungsthemen, wie beispielsweise das „Recht auf Datenverarbeitung“ oder die Rolle der Datenschutzbehörden in Gesetzgebungsverfahren.

Keywords: Elektronische Patientenakte; ePA; DSGVO; Datenschutz; Telematikinfrastruktur.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1301-1325

The Effect of Micro-Entrepreneurship on Migration Plans of Young Adults in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediating Role of Subjective and Economic Well-Being

Christian Stöhr, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1326-1360

Entrepreneurship can make a valuable contribution to global poverty reduction. However, poverty is often narrowly defined in terms of income and gross domestic product. Thus, a deep understanding of the impact of entrepreneurship on the development of the Global South cannot be obtained. To address this issue and uncover the transformative potential of entrepreneurship, this paper proposes a model in which both economic and subjective well-being mediate the relationship between micro-entrepreneurship and migration plans of young adults in rural sub-Saharan Africa. The results provide tentative evidence of a negative impact of micro-entrepreneurship on migration plans. Further, it is shown that subjective well-being explains part of the negative association between micro-entrepreneurship and migration plans. While those results hold for entrepreneurs in low-income countries and agricultural entrepreneurs, no evidence is found for entrepreneurs in middle/high-income countries and non-farm entrepreneurs. Contrary to expectations, the mediating role of economic well-being is not significant for either the entire group of micro-entrepreneurs or its subgroups. Finally, economic and subjective well-being as measures of poverty alleviation are found to be positively correlated.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Migration; Subjective well-being; Sub-saharan africa.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1326-1360

Battle of Realities – eine qualitativ-empirische Analyse über den Einsatz von Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality im Vertrieb

Daniel Schachtsieck, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1361-1374

Zahlreiche Unternehmen kennen die möglichen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality und die daraus resultierenden Potenziale nicht. Auch die aktuelle Forschung weist hier große Lücken auf. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Entscheidungshilfe für deren Einsatz im Vertrieb zu erarbeiten. Zusätzlich soll ein allgemeines Anwendungsverständnis beider Technologien im Vertrieb geschaffen und konkrete Potenziale aufgedeckt werden, indem diese vor dem Hintergrund ausgewählter Kriterien in unterschiedlichen Vertriebsbereichen analysiert werden. Dafür wird eine qualitative Empirie in Form von Experteninterviews durchgeführt. Abschließend werden in einer Zuordnungsmatrix mit Anwendungsbeispielen Implikationen für die Praxis abgeleitet. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass Unternehmen die Technologien bereits erfolgreich in unterschiedlichen Vertriebsbereichen einsetzen und sich die Vertriebler über deren Mehrwert bewusst sind. Der Einsatz der Technologien wird ebenso wie die Benutzerakzeptanz der Kunden durch den fortschreitenden Generationswechsel zunehmen. Durch die Zusammensetzung theoretischer Grundlagen mit dem Expertenwissen aus der Praxis erweitert die Arbeit den Wissensstand über den Einsatz von Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality im Vertrieb.

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Virtual Reality; Sales; Digitalisierung.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1361-1374

Blessing or Curse? The Influence of Neobrokers on the Investment Behavior of Young Investors

Maximilian Janussek, Technische Universität München (Masterarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1375-1399

My thesis addresses the topic related to the impact of neobrokers on the investment behavior of investors. I deal with the questions of which target groups are particularly attracted by neobrokers, for which investment strategies neobrokers are primarily used, and to what extent the design of the neobroker applications plays a significant role in the investment decisions of its users. Based on my online-based questionnaire, it can be determined that neobroker customers are predominantly younger and willing to take more risk compared to customers of branch or direct banks. Moreover, neobrokers are used for short-term investments and not for retirement planning. Here, the design of neobroker applications has a decisive influence on the trading behavior of its users. Not only is the risk of shares assessed differently due to the representations of the stock prices within the neobroker applications but buys as well as sells are carried out more frequently using neobrokers than in comparison to traditional broker providers. Ultimately, I also show that a learning section including a knowledge check of the newly acquired financial expertise within the neobroker applications is perceived as helpful by its users as it is for customers of traditional financial service providers.

Keywords: Neobroker; Trading; Fintech; Attention-grabbing.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1375-1399

Rethinking digital governance – How collaborative innovation strategies advance the development of digital innovations in public organisations

Laura John, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Bachelorarbeit)
Junior Management Science 7(5), 2022, 1400-1418

Digital innovations bear the potential to increase the efficiency and transparency of governments and create more accessible and user-centric public services. However, public organisations are facing several challenges in the development of digital innovations and the unique democratic requirements imply that digital services cannot simply be procured from private contractors. Hence, a new strategy called collaborative innovation appears to be a possible solution, but few institutional designs have been found to sustain collaborative innovation in the present governance system. Therefore, this thesis investigates the unexplored phenomenon of innovation fellowship programmes by conducting a diagnostic case study about Tech4Germany with a focus on the research question: How does the fellowship programme Tech4Germany contribute to the development of digital innovations in German public sector organisations? Interviews with participants of Tech4Germany revealed that fellowship programmes are a suitable institutional design for collaborative innovation as they create an attractive setting for tech experts and provide public employees a unique room to experience agile and user-centric approaches. In particular, mutual learning is stimulated, and the implementation resistance reduced.

Keywords: Collaborative innovation; Fellowship programmes; Public innovation; Digital transformation.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5282/jums/v7i5pp1400-1418